This project was assigned during the span of a semester for my Social Media Marketing class. The semester project was to essentially create a brand or an extension of an already existing brand and create a social media strategy based on the main goals of the brand.
Throughout this assignment I was to…
- Create and brand and case study of it’s social media strategy.
- Translate the brand’s goals into tangible and measurable success metrics.
- Choose three social media platforms and explain how to maximize reach with efficiency.
My personal thoughts will be documented in this column! Hi (:
My group and I, in collaboration, decided to create a luxury fashion brand based on ethical production and inclusivity of all people who identitify as “feminine”.
So the social media marketing tactics utilized were with these values in mind and the best way to relay this message while also proficiently promoting the product and brand. As a basic overview of the case study, the goals consisted of increasing…
1. Traffic to the website and website authority
2. Conversions; purchases of our clothing
3. Interaction through shares, comments, likes, etc
And presence on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok was to be prioritized based on the demographic.
My contribution was in the design of the document, the mockups, the creation of the premise of the brand and therefore the brief overview, the platform overview, target market analysis, persona creation, metric analysis, content concept creation, and the overall marketing strategy.
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This concept was very important to me. My group wanted to conceive an idea based around luxury, which from an artistic standpoint I absolutely adore, but from a consumer standpoint I was weary. So, I tied in the importance of ethics in art and humanity. I wanted it to be more than fashion.
There was not a specific requirement for the creation of mockups and graphics for the brand, but I believed that in order to create a theme, identity, and tone of a fashion brand, the aesthetic needed to be clearly established.
I first began by creating the logo, choosing the main fonts, and the color scheme. This was the easiest part of the process and also the most important as it would be on all of my mockups as the most important and predominant part. I had already had an idea of making the logo based on fashion sketches which are pretty simplistic other than the clothes. This representation is also important because the simplicity of the figure leaves one to project their own image of feminity without specifically representing one over the other. It is ambiguous, but still gives the feeling of feminity in how the sketched model holds itself.
I actually created way more drafts, but deleted the layers. There were several variations that I overcomplicated and I ended up choosing the first draft of my logo with small revisions. Goes to show how processes can differ so much!
I then began to collect and download images that had the artisitc feeling I wanted Madame as a brand to emulate. This was my favorite part of creating a fashion brand and theme because I already had an idea of what I wanted Madame to post and base its photoshoots and graphic design upon. I liked the idea showing our products in a very interesting way so that people are forced to regard us as more than a fashion brand, but a brand that seeks to share a message. I wanted experimental photoshoots that may at first glance come off as strange and confusing, but shows how, although we are about ethical production, our focus is also on our art. I wanted to stand out from most ethical brands by not sacrificing artistic integrity for our message; both should be equally apparent in our content as further explained in the PDF social media marketing strategy. Although we are social activists, we are also artists who make clothes that do not immediately fit the “sustainable clothing” merchandise style.
A lot of these images had been previously saved to my Pinterest, so to be able to use these images that I appreciated in an artistic sense so much was very exciting to me. I thought it was the perfect way to showcase such an eccentric fashion brand with equally as eccentric portrayals of art.
These are the final drafts of my logo in the brand’s main color scheme, although admittedly, only the black one was used. You can see the line variation which I experimented around with, but ultimately settled with something a little more simple.
This was a definite step back due to the fact that this logo is far more simple than any logo I have made in the past. Because it was so simple I initially was hesitant to allow this to be my final draft, but after attempting to revise it several times I grew to like it’s simplicity!
This particular mockup was important as it would be the tag on each piece of clothing upon purchasing it, so its key components would need to be represented in a visually appealing and effective way. The brand, logo, website, and proof of ethical production and sustainable materials are clearly shown on the tag.
This is the simple sewn-in label that only consists of the name of the brand and the logo.
I was actually very happy with how this label turned out! The name and logo looked amazing on the tag, better than what I anticipated!
This was one of my first social media marketing strategies, but I was quite proud with how it turned out, not only visually with its graphic prototypes, but also with the final report and the depth I went to in order to create an effective strategy.
I got an A on the assignment and was praised upon how thoroughly I had created the basis of the brand and was able to rationalize every plan of action. The key takeaways from this project are that..
I was very proud of the leadership position I had taken throughout this project along with its success.